Sunday 25 October 2015

Body Language Signals That Tell You She's Attracted

I'm always excited to talk about body language. It's the one area of a woman that will unconsciously give away all her secrets. Most of us are completely unaware of our body language. Women are too! That's why it is important that we pay attention to what she does with her body whenever you are around. Keep this in mind when you learn these techniques;"her lips may lie, but her body can't".
It is important to remember that most experts now believe that verbal communication is only 7% of all communication. The rest is facial expression. voice tone, and body language.
Once you learn how to read her body language, you will have tools at your disposal that ninety nine percent of men don't have. All you have to do is wake up and be aware. Her body is always sending out subconscious signals. Pay attention and you'll know before she does, when she is attracted to you.
How you can tell if a girl likes you by reading her body-language:
Become aware of what a girl does with her body when you are around. Pay close attention to how she moves her body when you approach her. If it's a girl you already know and are attracted to check to see if she adjusts her posture the next time you meet her. If she sits up straight, tucks her tummy in and fixes a part off her outfit or hair as you approach, she is unconsciously showing you that she cares about your approval.
Pay close attention to the way her body is facing. If you are talking to her and her feet, knees, shoulders and head are all facing you; she is totally engaged in the conversation. It may be more important to pay attention to her body-language when she's talking to someone else. If she is talking to a friend and her feet or knees and hips are still pointing towards you, this is a sign that she secretly wants to get back to chatting with you. Her head points one way and her body is pointing to you.
Pay attention to her eyes during conversation. Really key in on how much eye contact she is making and where her eyes flick to. If a girl is really engaged she will be locked in to your eyes. Notice if she flicks down to your lips from time to time. This is an unconscious signal of excitement. Her eyes may also dilate when she does this.
Pay attention to how much eye contact she gives you in group situations. If she seems to pay special attention and locks eyes with you more than anyone else then you have a stronger connection with her than anyone else.
There are extra sensual body language signals that are obvious. If she's leaning towards you and looking at you with dreamy eyes then she obviously likes you. Touching herself is another indicator that she likes you. Notice if she scratches her face in a nervous manner or tilts her head to one side and rubs her neck. This can indicate a longing for your touch.
If you become aware of these signals you will never have to question whether or not a girl likes you. There really isn't that much to master. Just pay attention to her eye contact, her body direction and level of engagement. Notice weather or not she adjusts her posture, outfit or hair when you come around. Notice when she touches you and when she touches herself.
One final tip. If you have a friend who suddenly begins to act differently around you, it may be because she likes you. If she starts wearing sexier outfits, puts on more make up and always seems to be done up when you are around. Her feelings may have changed for you. She may no longer want to be friends
It is obviously important to be able to read a girls body language. If you know she likes you, it is easier to make your next move
Richie is an article director for Ryan Richardson. If you would like to learn how to be attractive to girls you can visit the website at where you can also learn more about how you can tell if a girl likes you
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