Sunday 25 October 2015

10 Sex Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend

By: L R Asencio
Break Studios Contributing Writer
We’re going to give you 10 sex questions to ask your girlfriend in the hopes of getting to know and understand her better. Asking these questions can lead to some interesting and sexy conversations that not only build intimacy, but bring you two closer together.  Ask each other one evening when she’s probably not feeling up to sex, but open to some good conversation.
  1. “Tell me a common fantasy you have?” This question will allow you to get deep into the psyche of your girlfriend and understand her sexual triggers. Asking her about her fantasies in an objective, nonjudgmental way will allow her to open up and tell you more of who she is, as well as give you an idea of whether you can make this fantasy come true or not.
  2. “Would you ever…?” If you have a pressing and burning desire to know about certain acts your girlfriend would consider, this is one of the sex questions you’d use to ask them. It’s relatively cut and dry so a quick “yes” or “no” answer might emerge, but chances are she’ll jump into an explanation if you’re lucky.
  3. “Do you enjoy phone sex?” Even though you’ve probably already had phone sex several times already, asking your woman this sex question can give you some insight on her thoughts about it. Sometimes women don’t enjoy phone sex, but are so good at faking it that it doesn’t even matter to them so long as you get off. If she says she doesn’t, talk to her about why.
  4. “When did you have your first real orgasm?” Asking a woman about her first real orgasm, as well as how it happened, can tell you a lot about her sexual awakening and open you up to learning how her past has shaped her present. Remember, there’s a difference between first having sex, and first having an orgasm – especially for a woman!
  5. “Tell me a public place where you’d love to have sex?” Asking her about where she’d love to have sex will allow you to mastermind making the fantasy a reality – as long as it’s not something crazy like the White House lawn.
  6. “What, sexually, do you think is off limits for yourself?” Determine what she’s not interested in - so you know not to ask.  On the other hand, if it’s something you want, you can start looking for ways to persuade her to move in your direction.
  7. “How do you feel about being sexually dominant?” A take-charge woman is a turn-on for many men, but if she’s too take-charge or domineering, it can turn you off. Also, women who can give and take allow their lovers to be flexible in during lovemaking.
  8. “Can I come on/in your…?” Asking a woman about something sexy yet freaky like ejaculating on different parts of her body allow you to figure out her sexual boundaries. When it comes to semen, some women are very finicky about the stuff, while others love and welcome the baby batter. Failure to ask and make a decision on your own can spark World War III.
  9. “Do you like to be spanked?” Rough sex is sexy – when she wants it. Some light spanking may suffice in general, but if your girlfriend is a feminist she might not like feeling submissive or disciplined. This conversation can lead you two into discussing deeper aspects of sexuality, such as BDSM.
  10. “How does it feel when I…?” Asking her about specific activities you do during the act, while doing it or while simply having a conversation can help you tailor your sexual performance to her satisfaction. Sometimes, women don’t speak up about their needs until it’s too late. Do this and you can definitely improve your lovemaking skills with her direct feedback. 

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