Saturday 22 April 2017

9 Things To Never Say To A Strong Woman

Wherever you go, you meet them. Strong women are in every town on the planet and they make up a diverse group. She can be anything and anyone she wants to be, so you’d better not tell her otherwise.
From your Grandma who won’t take any backtalk to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, strong women are the backbone of the world. They bring the next generation into being and the weight of that tremendous responsibility rests on their strong shoulders.
Strong women are empowered, accountable, visionary, resilient and have high integrity. You’re dealing with a superwoman, and with that comes super responsibility. She has a to-do list a mile long and works harder than anyone you know to get everything done.


A strong woman always values your input. She respects your opinion, although she may not always agree with you. She’d rather work with you than against you, so, like a lawyer, she’s always prepared with her opening argument to help you see things from her perspective. If you can’t see eye to eye though, you’d better get out of her way.
Whether you know a strong woman or you are one, there are some things better left unsaid. Telling her any of these 10 things is going to rapidly escalate the conversation.


You can’t stop a strong woman, so why try? If she’s in the middle of something, you might want to let her finish. Whether she’s venting her feelings or working overtime on a project, she’s got energy and she’s going to use it. If she’s hard at work, either ask if she wants help or get out of her way.
If you tell her to stop and she’s midstream in speaking, that is going to be seen as rude. Try telling your strong woman that when she’s had her say, you’d like to add your views, and she’s more likely to wonder what’s on your mind. She’ll stop and let you have your turn.


Even if you think that she should have done things differently, this is certainly not the way to get your point across. It comes off as accusatory, and a strong woman is likely to take a defensive position in response. She had several thoughts on the matter, actually, and now you get to hear all of them.


She may be emotional and you might not like it, but she’s not crazy. Strong women speak and act with strength. Interpreting her actions as crazy was an error in judgment on your part.

4. “YOU CAN’T.”

This one might be a good motivator if you need her to do something, because a strong woman will fight to do what she’s been told can’t be done. Just because you think it can’t be done, doesn’t mean that she can’t do it. She’s likely to show you a whole lot of “can do” attitude and back it up with action.


Because she’s a strong individual woman like no other. Quit comparing her to anyone else. Strong women hold themselves to their own standard. She’s not like your old boss, girlfriend, lover, mother, sister, aunt or friend.
A strong woman can change, but she’ll do it for herself, not for you. Never tell her to be someone that she’s not.


Her priorities are on her mind constantly. A strong woman puts first things first. Just because you aren’t her priority right now does not mean that she isn’t focused on what really is most important.


As if you’ve never bought something just because you wanted it. A strong woman has the right to something that she just wants. She probably even knows exactly to the penny how her budget is able to afford the purchase. Just let her enjoy it and bask in the glow from her smile. Even better, make a note of her preferences and next time get it for her.


Strong women ask because they have a need to know. Whether it’s to inform her strong opinions or to clarify what you said, never tell her to stop asking questions. She has a mind to learn and telling her to stop won’t limit her inquiring mind.


It’s like poking an angry bear, throwing gasoline on a fire and pulling the pin on a grenade all at once. If you thought she wasn’t upset before, you haven’t seen anything yet. The strong woman that you just said this to is going to show you some powerful emotions.
Handling this differently is strongly advised. You might try “You seem very passionate about this” or “What do you think we should do about it?” Diverting her energy to focusing on a solution is fine, as long as she’s had time to express herself fully.

10 Signs You’re A Strong Woman Who Stands Out From Everyone Else

Strong women have such an impact on our lives that we can’t help but be moved by them. You may have been raised by a strong woman or had a strong female role model in your life that helped shape you into the wonderful woman you are today. If you identify as a strong woman, then you’ll resonate with the following traits about yourself and all the other beautiful strong women out there.
If you’re a strong woman, then you stand up to face any challenge, no matter what it entails. A strong woman will also walk away from any situation that no longer serves her best interest, which also requires immense courage. You may feel the fear, but you push past it and stand tall in the face of adversity or danger, which makes you incredibly powerful and a force to be reckoned with!
If you love yourself despite the mistakes you’ve made and your perceived flaws, then you’re most certainly a strong woman. Self-love takes immense effort and time in order to cultivate, and only the strongest of women know how to really love themselves.
Independent women don’t lean on anyone else for their financial, emotional, mental, or physical well-being. It can feel scary to go out there on your own and conquer the world, but you don’t let the fear of failure stop you. You trust in yourself to get through any challenge, which makes you a strong woman.
‘Kind words are short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.’ – Mother Teresa
Strong women don’t consider kindness a weakness; rather, they see it as a very necessary part of their being which helps them to connect with others emotionally, and build others up rather than tear them down. Strong women don’t use their ego for evil, but for good. They see others as their brothers and sisters, and treat them as such.
Strong women don’t listen to any voice in their life but their own. They only follow their own gut, because no one knows better than them what they truly want and need in life. Your intuition speaks loudly, and you’ve learned how to quiet your mind and really listen to it.
Other women and men look up to you for your wonderful personality, attitude, and treatment of others. People come to you for advice, or just to catch up and chat for a bit. They truly love your company, as you radiate happiness, wisdom, kindness, and strength.
Strong women also don’t depend on others for their happiness; they create it. If you’re a strong woman, you don’t ever let other people’s feelings get you down. You also don’t let your own inner turmoils run your life – you rise above and make the best of this beautiful journey.
‘Never be ashamed of how you feel. You have the right to feel any emotion you want.’ – Demi Lovato
Strong women also don’t bash themselves or others for feeling and sharing emotions. They know that holding in emotions only creates more problems in the long-run, and hiding your true feelings just isn’t healthy. They speak their mind, let out their innermost feelings and thoughts, and then move on with their lives.
Believing in yourself allows you to reach new heights in life, but only a strong woman knows that. They know that having faith in your abilities is essential to creating the life you really want to live.
study of maternal love in the brain as compared with romantic love revealed that brain areas that are active in romantic love are also active in maternal love. So, this means that based on the love your mom showed to you as a child, you have the foundation to show others this same unconditional love. We have so many wonderful role models all around us if we open our eyes, and the strong women that we know in our lives helped shape us into the strong women (and men) that we are today.

8 Types of Toxic People Who Poison Your Life

“When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try to control how others see you. The misinformation will feel unfair, but stay about it, trusting that other people will eventually see the truth, just like you did.” – Jill Blakeway
From the moment we wake to the time we fall asleep, we’re inundated with negativity. Want to watch some TV? You’ll witness some toxic stuff. Work at an office? No doubt there’ll be coworkers who exude negativity – a common occurrence in the workplace. Toxic people are everywhere – and, unfortunately, there is no escaping that fact.
This constant exposure to negative energy can leave one feeling confused, physically drained, and utterly frustrated. It may even result in a bout of depression, anxiety, or manifest into other mental and physical symptoms.
Sadly, the number one source of negativity (by a longshot) is other human beings. Without properly dealing with such individuals, these folks can have a poisonous influence on anyone and everyone – and this is often their very intent.
Toxic people come in all different forms: loud and quiet; angry and calm; intelligent and dull; eccentric and “normal”…and so on. Identifying a toxic person is not always simple, as many of these types are masters at manipulation.
In understanding the different types of toxic people, we can effectively prevent or resolve any real or potential conflict. Identifying the problem is the most important step in solving it, and toxic people are no different.
For some odd reason, many toxic people gain something by incessantly critiquing others. Chalk it up to poor self-image; the need to feel superior, or whatever – the reason behind it doesn’t matter; this behavior is as unacceptable as it is toxic.
We all need people in our lives that will “tell us what we need to hear, not what we want to hear.” Such dialogue is called “constructive criticism,” and is intended to leave us better off. Toxic criticism does just the opposite, and should never be tolerated.
Such people need to hear that their behavior is unwelcome and offensive, and then go about your day.
Toxic people often seek out attention wherever they can find it. Others may just devalue your time; completely oblivious to the fact that you’ve got things to do. Both groups of people are toxic.
People that waste time for no other purpose than to waste time are toxic; this requires us to set clear boundaries and to stand our ground.
As fallible creatures, we’ll certainly disappoint others at one time or another. Perhaps more than one time – and that’s okay; unless disappointing others becomes a usual habit. Then it’s toxic.
If someone in your life is repeating this hurtful cycle, it is time to do one of two things: (1) tell them you won’t allow it to continue – and if it does, (2) get that person out of your life.
Many toxic people have a penchant for self-centeredness. Anything and everything seemingly revolves around them – and it never stops.
“Self-redirectors” can be deciphered by their “taking” (as opposed to “giving) outlook on relationships. If it doesn’t benefit them, to hell with it. Most toxic people of this nature never change…so just let them go.

The fifth sign pertains to people we choose to keep in our life, regardless of their attitude of indifference. When we love/like/care for another human being, and our feelings are not reciprocated by that person, it’s a hard blow.
“Time heals all wounds” is an axiom that certainly applies in this case. You can’t force another person to care. Perhaps the best option is to let go and ride out the pain.
It’s okay to be a bit envious of a person from time to time. However, when someone is always jealous, it’s tough to be in their presence.
First, they’re almost never grateful for what they already have – and they make this known. Second, they’ll often vocally insult and disparage people who achieve any modicum of success. Finally, should you garner some accomplishment, it makes you an instant target.
Needless to say, those who are excessively envious are toxic. Time to reconsider any relationship with this person.
This is self-explanatory. People attached with the “Negative Nancy” label are seemingly always upset at something or someone. They’ll exude a sense of pessimism even if it seems completely unwarranted.
These people are extremely poisonous because negative energy is potent and permeating. We’re much more likely to develop a negative state of mind in the presence of such people.
We need to get out of their presence.
Refusing to take responsibility; constantly arguing with others; holding onto grudges; shifting blame to an innocent person. These are all common attitudes and behaviors of someone with a victim mentality.
Not only is this an obvious indicator of an immature mindset, but it also has a toxic effect on others. Nobody wants to be close to someone who refuses to take accountability for themselves.  

Saturday 15 April 2017

Why Intelligent People Can’t find Happiness

“Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.”-Ernest Hemingway
The presence of a faithful and loving partner, a great family life and a successful career may not be enough to prevent an intelligent soul to feel grief and melancholy. 
Here are six most likely reasons why happiness seems to elude highly intelligent people:

1.       They are the victim of over analysis
Many people with high level of intelligence lean towards over-thinking and keep analyzing everything that occurs in their life, their surroundings and beyond. Too much thinking can be exhausting at times, especially when your thoughts lead you to conclusions which vex and frustrate you. They weigh you down, but you can’t help but think and think, no matter how draining the experience is.
Their ability to analyze things is great. But, it is also true that we don’t need to pay attention to everything, and crowd our minds with unsavory thoughts. ‘Ignorance is bliss,’ this saying holds good for people like you who can see right through anybody and identify their true motives. Undoubtedly, the world seems a disappointing place occupied by wrong people. Not to mention the feelings that affect you upon the reflection on philosophical problems, global affairs and the eternal questions of life that have no answers. If you learn to ignore, you can feel lighthearted, cheerful and happy.

2.      They want to match everything with their high standards
People with high IQ are always sure of what they want and anything less than their expectations fail to satisfy them, and this makes it more difficult for them to be happy. This stands true for everything, whether it is career, relationships or anything else that matters in life.
It’s a fact of life that we never get all what we want. But, this practical knowledge is not present in those who have brilliant theoretical minds. They have little practical intelligence and maintain idealistic views of the world that really doesn’t help them in coping with the ways of the world. So, when they find the reality is contrary to their expectations, they feel greatly disappointed.

3.      Intelligent people judge themselves too hard
One of the reasons of unhappiness also crops from their tendency to be extremely hard on themselves. It is not only about their successes and failures, but everything that is about them. Their deep thinking nature minutely analyses their behavior and actions and compares them against highest standards. Even though it is done unintentionally, this tendency offers them enough reason to blame themselves for no reason.
An act committed years ago can suddenly haunt their mind and remind them how they had failed to do things rightly. This disturbs their mind and messes up their mood. After that, they can hardly spend the day cheerfully or manage a relaxing sleep at night. These types of flashbacks into past mistakes are frequent in intelligent people. Guilt and discontent fill their mind. These negative emotions are enough to erase happiness from one’s life.

4.      They aim for bigger things
They cannot be satisfied with what they have in life because their high IQ gives them the power to imagine bigger things. They are always looking for a bigger purpose, a meaning and a pattern. Some of them are driven too far away by their intense imagination, making it impossible for them to enjoy the good things they have in their life. Ordinary life is too boring for them and that is why they search for exceptionalism, which of course doesn’t exist in reality.
Do you think this planet is not your real abode or you should live in a different era? It is nothing new about intelligent, deep thinking individuals. With such thoughts swarming your mind, you can hardly hope to be happy when you cannot accept the world and even the time you are living in.

5.      No one to appreciate them or have a meaningful conversation
We all yearn to be truly understood, but intelligent people can hardly find someone who can understand them. When we have understanding people around us, half of the stress in our lives ceases to exist. There is nothing more comforting than having a meaningful conversation with a like-minded person who understands your views and ideas on everything spanning from personal life, philosophy, to global affairs and other complex questions. Most intelligent people feel misunderstood and lonely, as usually no one appreciates the depth with which they can see and analyze things.
Science has proved that smart people don’t need to socialize as much as the people with average IQ, to be happy. Nevertheless, smart people feel the need to meet people, interact and have an enjoyable conversation. They are more interested in talking about meaningful and fascinating things rather than talk on subjects like food, weather or weekend plans. The truth is, it is difficult to come by a person who can indulge in a deep conversation. This is the result of the materialist and consumerist society we live in.

6.      Smart people often develop psychological issues.
Many studies have found a connection between highly intelligent minds and psychiatric disorders like bipolar disorders and social anxiety. Is it possible that these disorders are side effect of a brilliant mind? We cannot confirm this, as there are so many hidden mysteries of human mind and science, yet to be revealed.
It is not that all intelligent people suffer from severe mental disorders. But even the ones who don’t, are susceptible to existential depression which usually results from over-thinking. If you keep on thinking and analyzing everything deeply, there comes a time when you start thinking about life and death. Your mind begins to search for the meaning of your existence and that is when you begin to re-evaluate your own life. This saddens you, but for no apparent reason.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

women do work

My wife does not work!!!
Conversation between a husband (H) and a psychologist (p):
Q: what do you do for a living Mr Rogers?
H: I work as an accountant in a bank.
Q: your wife?
H: doesn't work. She's a housewife.
Q: who makes breakfast for your family?
H: my wife, since she doesn't work
Q: what time do you usually wakes up his wife?
H: she wakes up early because it has to be organised before I was able to sit for breakfast: sets the table, organises the lunch for the children of the school, ensures that they are well-dressed and combed, if they took milk or had breakfast, if you took out the Teeth and take all their school supplies.
Q: how are your kids to school?
H: my wife takes them to school, because she doesn't work.
P: after taking their children to school, what is she doing?
H: usually takes a while to figure something out on the street, as the payment of invoices or to make a stop at the supermarket. Once back home, you must have a long lunch. Serves the table, tidying up the kitchen and then will take care of laundry and cleaning of the house. You know, like it is.
Q: in the evening, after returning home from the office, what are you doing?
H: Rest, of course. Well, I'm tired after working all day in the bank.
Q: what does your wife in the night?
H: she makes dinner, serves us to my children and I, washes the dishes, orders once more the house. After helps children to prepare for sleep, give warm milk that they like to drink, verifies that wash his teeth...
This is the daily routine of many women all over the world, it starts in the morning and continues until all hours of the night... this is called "doesn't work"?
Being a housewife has no diplomas, but have a key role in family life.
Enjoy and appreciate your wife, mother, grandmother, Aunt, sister, daughter... because their sacrifice is priceless.
Someone asked him...
You are a woman who works or is it just "housewife"?
She said:
I work as a woman of the home, 24 hours a day..
I'm a mother,
I'm a woman,
I am the daughter,
I'm the alarm clock,
I'm the cook,
I'm the maid.
I'm the teacher,
I'm the waitress,
I'm the nanny,
I'm a nurse,
I am a manual worker,
I'm a security officer,
I'm the counselor,
I am the comforter.
I don't have holidays,
I don't even have the licence for sickness.
I don't have a day off
I work day and night,
I'm on duty all the time,
I do not receive salary and...
Even so, I hear the phrase:
" but what do you do all day?"
Dedicated to all women who give their lives for the welfare of their families.
The woman is like salt:
Your presence is not remember, but its absence makes everything left without flavor
Share with all the beautiful ladies of your life

How to Flash Huawei USB Modems (and Re-Install the Firmware)

A guy I personally know got a USB modem from the UK and the modem was locked to 3, a UK mobile network. On getting to Nigeria here, he fou...