Tuesday 14 March 2017


It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have proven its value. We publish below a description of use of water for our readers. For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses the water treatment had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for the following diseases:
Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases.
1. As you wake up in the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water
2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minute
3.. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours
5. Those who are old or sick and are unable to drink 4 glasses of water at the beginning may commence by taking little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day.
6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick and others can enjoy a healthy life.
The following list gives the number of days of treatment required to cure/control/reduce main diseases:
1. High Blood Pressure (30 days)
2. Gastric (10 days)
3. Diabetes (30 days)
4. Constipation (10 days)
5. Cancer (180 days)
6. TB (90 days)
7. Arthritis patients should follow the above treatment only for 3 days in the 1st week, and from 2nd week onwards – daily..
This treatment method has no side effects, however at the commencement of treatment you may have to urinate a few times.
It is better if we continue this and make this procedure as a routine work in our life. Drink Water and Stay healthy and Active.
This makes sense .. The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals not cold water. Maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating!!! Nothing to lose, everything to gain...
For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you.
It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion.
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Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine.
Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.
A serious note about heart attacks:
• Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting,
• Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.
• You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack.
• Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms.
• 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up.
• Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know, the better chance we could survive...
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to everyone they know, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life.
Please be a true friend and send this article to all your friends you care about.
For more Health,Love,Life Tips, Inspirational,Love,Heart Touching Viral Stories
Please Visit www.SocialMeems.com

Thursday 9 March 2017

25 Benefits of Lemon You Didn’t Know About

civilizations believed that lemon has the power to ward of poisons and some recent research has supported this view. Specifically, a study done at University California Davis found the biological activity of citrus, specifically bioflavonoids were effective in anti-cancer activity in the body.
Lemon has strong antibacterial and antiviral properties and provides a significant boost to the immune system. It is effective in fighting infection thanks to its levels of vitamin C, bioflavonoids, citric acid, calcium, magnesium, pectin, and limonene.
Most people have heard that starting your day with warm lemon water is a natural energizer that hydrates and oxygenates the body while balancing our pH levels.


1. Lemon helps break a fever.
Lemon juice increases perspiration which in turn can help force a fever to break.
2. Lemons help improve our mood.
The refreshing smell of lemons can help lessen symptoms of depression while increasing energy levels.
3. Lemons help us breathe better.
Lemons can aid asthma sufferers by thinning mucus and clearing the airways.
4. Lemon helps relieve the symptoms of arthritis.
Lemon flushes out toxins and bacteria thanks to its diuretic properties. The reduction in toxins helps to reduce inflammation in the joints.
5. Lemons help prevent kidney stones.
Lemons are responsible for stimulating the production of the chemical compound, urinary citrate, a key compound in the prevention of kidney stones.
6. Lemons are effective as a topical disinfectant.
Use the juice from lemons on scrapes and cuts to disinfect the area.
7. Lemon preserves clothing.
Lemon juice, along with salt, can help remove mold and stains from clothing.
8. Lemons can treat acne and problem skin.
Lemons are a natural cleansing agent for the skin thanks to their antibacterial and antifungal properties.
9. Lemon lightens age spots.
The citric acid in lemons helps to even skin tone and fade dark spots.
10. Lemons help oily skin.
Lemons can cut through oil while helping to curb excess oil production in the skin.
11. Lemon will strengthen your nails.
Some lemon juice mixed with olive oil will strengthen and whiten weak and brittle nails.
12. Lemons are a natural insect repellant.
Wipe baseboards with a mixture of lemon juice and some water to keep ants, flies and cockroaches at bay.
13. Lemons help with the signs of aging.
The bioflavonoids in lemons are responsible for the reduction of free radicals which can cause skin damage and premature aging.
14. Lemons help relieve headaches.
A mixture of green tea and lemon can be as effective as aspirin in relieving headaches.
15. Lemons are good for oral health.
Lemons can help with infected and bleeding gums and can reduce tooth pain.
16. Lemons fight against bad breath.
The citric acid in a lemon helps to balance our body’s pH which will aid in destroying the bacteria in the mouth.
17. Lemons whiten teeth.
Mix some lemon juice with baking soda for a natural teeth whitener.
18. Lemons naturally exfoliate.
Rubbing a lemon directly on chapped and dry skin will aid in the removal of dead skin.
19. Lemons can detoxify the blood.
Our blood accumulates toxins and regular consumption of lemon acts as a detoxifying and purification agent for our blood.
20. Lemons can help ward off or heal infections.
Lemons are in antibacterial properties which can help heal and even prevent infection.
21. Lemons can provide natural highlights.
Add a little lemon juice to your hair conditioner and sit in the sun for a while. After rinsing your hair, you will notice your natural highlights beginning to appear.
22. Lemons help prevent dandruff.
Massage a little lemon juice and warm olive oil into your scalp to relieve itchiness and dryness.
23. Lemons cleanse the body.
Mix lemon juice with a little milk or yogurt and massage over your skin. It will cleanse, exfoliate and soften in one step.
24. Lemons can improve your digestive system.
Warm water with lemon can help prevent constipation and improve your overall digestive system.
25. Lemons are an effective cleanser.
Lemon juice mixed with water can act as a cleaning and disinfectant for your counters and can help remove pesticides from your fruits and vegetables.
The benefits of lemon are far-reaching because they are effective both in healing and prevention. There is even promising research that says lemon can aid in weight loss.


It is recommended to ingest at least ½ of a lemon daily. The most simple way to start is by adding some lemon to your water.
A few words of caution. Lemon can be hard on the enamel of your teeth. So if when drinking lemon water or eating a lemon, rinse with plain water to remove the acid from your teeth. Also, if applying to the skin, they can make the skin more sensitive to the sun so make sure and wear sunscreen.

11 Lemon Water Benefits You Didn’t Know About

How we begin our day usually sets the stage for how the rest of it will unfold. Many of us rush through our mornings and entire days, not giving a lot of thought to how we treat our bodies or what we put in them. Starting each day hydrated can make a huge difference in how your day goes, however, as eliminating toxins can allow your body to become rejuvenated and feel lighter. Better yet, adding lemon to your water will only increase the benefits you feel from nourishing and hydrating your body properly.
Lemon contains a lot of antioxidants and can repair the immune system naturally with vitamin C, bioflavonoids, citric acid, calcium, magnesium, pectin, and limonene.
Warm lemon water hydrates and oxygenates the body while also balancing our pH levels.
Adding lemon will also improve digestion, which will further help to eliminate toxins. Experts recommend drinking half your weight in ounces of water each day, but unfortunately, most people don’t drink near enough water for their age or weight.
Drinking lemon water may improve your relationship with water, since it will make each glass refreshing and add flavor to an otherwise tasteless beverage. Just make sure to add half of a freshly squeezed lemon to your water each morning, and continue this habit each time you have a new glass of water.
Adding lemon to your water will also provide nutrients like vitamin C, iron, calcium, potassium, and fiber.
On another note, have you been trying to give up coffee? Warm lemon water might just serve as a suitable replacement, as many people who have tried to give up coffee have done so successfully by replacing it with lemon water. So, as if that isn’t enough to make you want to drink lemon water, we have some more benefits listed for you below!
1. Lemon water can lower your risk of having a stroke, according to the American Heart Association
2. It will give you clear skin and reduce signs of aging, including wrinkles
3. Detoxes and cleanses the system according to a study on lemon water’s ability to improve the liver’s functions
4. Lemon water can boost your mood due to the plentiful antioxidants and nutrients present
5. Brings your body’s pH levels back into alignment
6. Relieves pain in the joints
7. Alleviates hangovers
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8. Keeps you satiated longer
9. Improves digestive health
10. Lemon water freshens the breath
11. Improves respiratory health
Here are a few more benefits, if you still need more convincing:
·        can prevent UTI’s.
·        improves adrenal health
·        regulates metabolism
·        enhances brain power
·        strengthens immune system
·        cleans the sinus cavities
·        improves intestinal health
·        eliminates high fevers
·        prevents kidney stones
·        improves breathing
·        alleviates headaches and migraines
·        can help with weight loss
·        Lemon is among nature’s top seven potassium sources. The mineral potassium promotes mental clarity and healthy blood pressure. If you pair lemon with something salty, it can help to regulate the body’s water balance.
·        You can use lemon as an insect repellent.
·        It can be used as a mouthwash; just add hot water.
·        A tablespoon of lemon juice only contains 4 calories
During this time period on Earth, many people have started waking up to nature’s amazing healing powers, and have substituted old habits for much healthier, wholesome ones that actually improve their vitality. Drinking lemon water is just one of many ways to improve your health, and you can use lemon in a variety of other ways as well, such as in a salad dressing, sprinkled on a fruit salad, or even frozen to make healthy popsicles!
Many people want to improve their health, and luckily, they don’t have to look much further than their own kitchen to do so. What you eat can either promote sickness or health, so why not do your mind, body, and soul some good and opt for health instead of disease?
The smallest habits we form can inspire the greatest change, and adding a little lemon to your water in the mornings doesn’t take much time or effort. The hydration from the water plus the nutrients and antioxidants from the lemon make this drink a powerhouse when it comes to improving your health. Let us know how you like it!

25 Things That Happen To Your Body When You Drink Lemon Water Every Day

The first thing we do in the morning usually determines how the rest of our day will transpire. Normally, many of us rush out the door on our way to work, not giving much thought to our bodies or what we put into them. As we wake up, our bodies require hydration to eliminate toxins and rejuvenate our cells. However, that glass of water you drink each morning can be made even more effective and healing by adding a couple slices of lemon to it!
Lemon contains many antioxidants and can boost the immune system naturally with its high levels of vitamin C, bioflavonoids, citric acid, calcium, magnesium, pectin, and limonene.
Warm lemon water provides the body with oxygen and hydration while also stabilizing our pH levels.
Obviously, we all need water to survive, but adding lemon can make water even more beneficial to the human body. Experts recommend drinking half your weight in ounces of water each day, but just adding lemon to your morning glass of water can set you up for great digestion and energy for the rest of the day.
Many of us reach for cold water in the morning, but warm water actually helps to get our systems flowing much more easily since it takes less energy to process. Once you have your water, simply add half a squeezed lemon to it. The rest of the day can include hot or cold lemon water – whichever one you like best.
Our bodies contain about 60% water, but unfortunately, many of us don’t drink enough of it. Adding lemon to your water intake provides nutrients like vitamin C, iron, calcium, potassium, and fiber. Plus, since the lemon adds flavor to the water, it might encourage you to up your water consumption!
To give you even more good news, many people have successfully used hot lemon water as a substitute for coffee. So if you’ve been trying to find a sustainable way to give up caffeine, drinking warm lemon water could do the trick.


1. Lemon water can lessen your chance of having a stroke, according to the American Heart Association
2. It can give you clear skin and reduce signs of aging, including diminishing the signs of fine lines and wrinkles
3. Detoxes and cleanses the system according to a study on lemon water’s ability to improve the natural function of the liver
4. It can improve your mood and stabilize emotions
5. Balances your body’s natural pH levels
6. Lessens joint inflammation and relieves pain
7. Lemon water can help with hangovers
8. Keeps you fuller longer, staving off hunger?
9. Eliminates constipation
10. Lemon water keeps your breath fresh
11. It keeps your respiratory system functioning optimally
12. Lemon water prevents urinary tract infections
13. It keeps you hydrated and prevents adrenal fatigue
14. Regulates your metabolism
15. Lemon water enhances brain power
16. It strengthens your immune system
17. Reduces mucus buildup
18. Cleans out your intestines
19. Enhances digestive health
20. Increases your overall health
21. It can get rid of a high fever
22. Lemon water can prevent kidney stones
23. It helps you breathe better
24. Lemon water can alleviate headaches
25. It literally makes you feel lighter and healthier overall


·        Lemon is one of nature’s top seven potassium sources. Potassium is a mineral that promotes clear thinking and aids in normalizing blood pressure, and when paired with sodium, it can regulate the body’s water balance.
·        Lemon has been known to act as an insect repellent.
·        Gargle with the juice of one lemon plus an equal amount of hot water for an antibacterial mouthwash.
·        A tablespoon of fresh lemon juice has only four calories.
·        Christopher Columbus brought citrus trees to Haiti in 1493.
·        Lemon trees can grow up to 20 feet tall.
·        In the Victorian age, lemon trees were a sign of wealth and prestige.
·        Fully grown lemon trees can produce up to 600 pounds of lemons per year.
·        Fashionistas from the Renaissance era used lemon juice to redden their lips.
·        Cattle will choose to eat lemons rather than oranges, grapefruits, apples, and peaches.
In a time when many people are going back to eating natural, healthier food that nourishes their bodies, there is no better food to add to your nutrition plan than lemon. One of the best and easiest ways to add lemon into your diet is in your water.
Many people want to improve their health, feel more energized, and look younger and more vibrant, and what better way to achieve this than by adding a little fresh lemon to your water in the mornings?
The disease-preventing properties of lemon and the hydration from the water make this a powerful healthy duo. If you don’t already drink warm lemon water in the mornings, make tomorrow your day to add this small but life-changing habit to your daily routine!

Wednesday 8 March 2017

10 Things Financially Successful People Do Differently

Financially successful people do things a little different that the rest of us. They typically have a more positive mindset, take personal responsibility for their wealth and business success, and they are willing to sacrifice short term benefits for longer term gains. They are lifelong learners and surround themselves with positive people who also believe in the benefits of education and good work ethic.
They come from all walks of life and all income brackets, but they share a similar set of attributes that set them apart from the rest of us.
Wealthy people watch very little television a day and almost no so-called “reality TV”. They spend their time wisely working on their business and not wasting it on the couch.
Wealthy people live frugally at first in order to invest their limited income and resources into something that will make them more money. Some wealthy people, like Warren Buffet, live this way their entire lives. They have modest sized houses, drive used cars and don’t waste money on flashy status symbols like boats or expensive sports cars.
People who see themselves as victims spend a lot of time complaining and blaming their failures on others. Successful people take their misfortunes, or bad decisions, and analyze what happened and how they could change the outcome in the future. They learn from their mistakes rather than complaining about it.

Successful people pay off debts quickly to save money on interest which accrues over time. So, if you pay off the principle of the loan faster, then interest on that loan is less over time. They also make saving money a priority. Even if it’s only $20 a month, saving money and developing it into a habit will pay off later when an emergency strikes, This way, you can cover it with savings rather than paying off an emergency loan which will cost significantly more in the long run. The best way to save effectively is to automate it. Set up a recurring transfer from your checking into your savings. Before you know it, you will have quite a chunk of change to invest. Resist the temptation to spend it on a new car or television or expensive clothing.
Successful people take responsibility for their actions and their fortunes. Rather than waste time and energy blaming someone or something else which might only be marginally responsible, they accept that their fate is their own, and if they want to succeed, then they need to do something about it themselves.
Successful people make and stick to long term financial planning rather than spending their money as fast as they make it.
They aren’t just consumers of other people’s ideas and products. They produce things. They do things. Things that other people are willing to pay for.
Wealthy and successful people believe in education and lifelong learning. They read books of educational value or that are work related. When they commute, they listen to audio books or news programs.
Successful people do more than just show up to work, do their job and go home. They get up early and they stay later at work. They go above and beyond to achieve their goals.
Financially successful people get a thrill from making something new, making a customer happy or fulfilling a client’s order. They care more about the creation process they are involved in than the money they are making.
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Financially successful people are disciplined savers who start saving early and often. They live frugally most of their lives. They love their work and do as much as they can, the best way they can. They limit their debts, take responsibility for their wealth and plan long term. They don’t waste time. They don’t waste money. They take every chance to better themselves and their abilities.

Saturday 4 March 2017

5 Things Highly Intelligent People Do Differently

“Action is the real measure of intelligence.” – Napoleon Hill
Sadly, it seems that society doesn’t value true intelligence in these times, as it tends to neglect anything that requires critical thinking and any form of higher knowledge. The intelligent have great ideas, but they often are ignored in favor of those with the ability to entertain and distract us from what’s really going on. Those with high levels of intelligent couldn’t be bothered with the news and entertainment of today, and instead value deep contemplation and reflection in order to gain perspective and new ideas.
Intelligence is quite rare today, and isn’t practiced and applied like it used to be. However, you can easily adopt the habits of these sorts of people if you’d like to increase your intelligence.



Intelligent people don’t just believe everything they hear; they question tradition, beliefs, morals, the entire system we live in, and basically every sort of idea in existence. They don’t just jump from bandwagon to bandwagon; they apply critical thinking skills and delve deeply into issues before forming an opinion. They most certainly don’t believe everything they hear on the news, or from any authority figure. Highly intelligent people see through the lies, and don’t just allow people to push them around or back them into a corner. Dogma means nothing to them – they think what they want to and follow their own path in life.


Highly intelligent people also don’t see anyone as a guru or master – they know that they can find all the knowledge they seek within. Though they understand that everyone can teach something in life, they do not possess knowledge on every single subject. No one knows all the answers, so therefore, highly intelligent people don’t regard anyone as an idol. They look at themselves as their own personal guru, with the wisdom and strength to get them through any situation.


Highly intelligent people never feel quite content with what they know – they always desire to learn more and experience more. They enjoy expanding their mind and engaging in intelligent conversation whenever possible. Intelligent people have an addiction to and fascination with knowledge – they don’t allow themselves to become complacent, as this will make their minds stagnant and stale. They realize that knowledge truly is power, so they like to arm themselves with as much mental ammunition as possible.


Following up on the quote we began this article with, highly intelligent people know that thoughts and ideas mean nothing without action. They understand that to get anywhere in life, you must apply what you know into actionable steps. The thoughts inside your head do no good if you don’t share them with others and use them in order to provide something for this world, so intelligent people try to see where they can apply their knowledge.
They don’t allow anything to get in their way of using their knowledge to better this planet somehow, and enjoy conjuring up new plans in order to achieve their goals.


More than anything else, highly intelligent people know the value in sitting quietly with oneself. This world moves so fast and doesn’t seem to put any emphasis on “being.” We all must do, work, produce, act, move, and earn. We don’t spend enough time thinking, being, feeling, living, loving, and reflecting. Therefore, highly intelligent people spend as much time as possible with themselves and their thoughts, as they know the true power of going deep within for answers.
Even if they don’t want answers in the moment, highly intelligent people still see the importance of spending time alone away from all the noise in the world, as this helps one to destress and rejuvenate the mind, body, and soul.
Highly intelligent people have a great relationship with themselves, as they know that this relationship forms the basis for everything else in their lives.

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