Tuesday 25 October 2016

Salat Al-janaaza ( Burial prayers):

 Most of us Don't know what we are saying during Salat Al-janaaza ( Burial prayers):

1- After the First Takbeer : Recite Surat Al-Fatiha.

2-After the Second Takbeer: Salat Al-Ibrahimiyya ( Allahumma Salli Alaa Muhammad Wa Alaa Aali Muhammad....to the end ).

3-Ater the Third Takbeer: Pray for the dead but according how its narrated from our Prophet S.A.W. One of them is:( Allahummagfir lahuu warhamhu wathabbit-hu Alal qawlu Athaabit ).

4- Then lastly after the Fourth Takbeer: Say: ( Allahumma laa tuharrimnaa ajrahuu wa laa taftinna ba'adahuu )
And you should pray for all Muslims.

5- And lastly end the prayer with one Salaam to the right ( Just once ).

Please share if you think its right for the benefit of others.
May Allah S.W forgive us our sins.

Friday 21 October 2016

This Is What Your Blood Type Says About Your Personality!

What’s your blood type?
Chances are, if you’re from North America, you had to think about that for a little bit. I get it – outside of medicine, most of us pay very little attention to the subject.
But things are quite different in Japan. Back in World War II, Japan based battle groups on blood type. In 1990, Japanese electronics company Mitsubishi created an entire team of only AB blood type workers. Today, kindergartens in the country group kids by blood type and have distinctly different education plans for each.
You see, the Japanese believe that one’s blood type has a direct impact on their personality and abilities in a number of areas. This belief came about thanks to the work of blood type humanics pioneer Masahiko Nomi in the 1970s.

What This Means For You

What follows is a quick rundown of each blood type and the purported characteristics for each.

Blood Type A

Individuals with type A blood put others first. They’re great listeners and make for excellent friends. What they’re not so good at is expressing their own emotions – they’d much rather bottle things up and cater to the needs of others. Over time, this can lead to issues like depression and anxiety.
Type A individuals excel as accountants, librarians, attorneys, economists and writers. In love, they are most compatible with other type A individuals or AB ones.

Blood Type B

Those with type B blood are what you’d call extroverts. Like type A individuals, they make for great friends and listeners – but not at their own expense. To the contrary, they have little problem expressing their own emotions and putting themselves first when necessary.
Type B individuals are highly tuned to body language and can read others very intuitively. Because of this, they make for great psychiatrists, detectives and journalists. In love, they get along well with other A individuals or AB ones.

Blood Type AB

This is the rarest and most spiritual of all blood types. Individuals with this type of blood are also very rational and level-headed. They are excellent at planning and organizing. Type AB individuals tend to over-produce hormones like adrenaline, leading to very high and intense moods. They excel in public relations as well as managerial and educational positions.
In relationships, they get along well with all blood types.

Blood Type O

This is the most common blood type. Type O individuals crave power. They’re very competitive and tend to focus more on making progress than making friends. Because of this, they are very proficient in leadership positions.
They excel as accountants, politicians, businessmen and women as well as therapists.


Within each of the types above, there is a smaller subset known as Rh-negative. Only 15% of the U.S. population has Rh-negative blood. If you are Rh-negative, many of the characteristics of your primary blood type will apply, in addition to a few extra.
For example, Rh-negative individuals have a higher IQ than average as well as intense empathic qualities. They usually have many unexplained phobias. They can get along well with individuals of any other blood type but when it comes to reproduction, caution must be taken if their partner is Rh-positive. Medical injections of Rh immune globulin will prevent Rh-incompatibility, where the mother’s body attacks the fetus.

So, what blood type do you have? Did you find the personality reading for it accurate? Let us know in the comments!

A Big Butt Is A Healthy Butt: Women With Big Butts Are Smarter And Healthier

It turns out a nice, robust derriere is more than just a sexual attraction turn on, but an actual indicator of increased intelligence, and an indicator for chronic illness resistance!
This interesting news comes straight from scientists from the University of Oxford who found out these remarkable traits exist with women who have big butts.
Turns out, women with bigger than average behinds have lower levels of cholesterol and metabolize sugar better as they are more likely to produce hormones. So that means they are less likely to experience things like heart problems and diabetes.
The larger derriere requires an excess of Omega 3 fats. These have been shown to catalyze brain development. Also discovered was something interesting in regards to children who were born to women with wider than normal hips. They were actually intellectually superior to kids with slimmer and less curvy moms!
Apparently the data reports consisted of 16,000 women studied. The study found that the hormone responsible for regulating weight, leptin, and the hormone dinopectina, which has anti-inflammatory and vascular-protective, anti diabetic attributes, these levels were all favored towards big butt woman.
On top of those findings, is the discovery that the adipose tissue in the butt actually traps the harmful fatty particles and this ends up preventing cardiovascular disease.
There’s even been previous studies in California and Pittsburgh universities which suggested bigger reared, wider hipped and smaller waist women may live longer.
Now the study did not cover fake butts, or plastic surgery enhanced rear ends, but one could probably conclude that these benefits were only attributed to the real deal big butt women. Pretty amazing to find out that not only are big butts incredibly attractive, but they are incredibly intelligent as well!
Sources:From ABC News EliteDaily Damn

Eat Honey and Garlic Every Morning For 7 Days and This Will Happen To Your Body

Garlic is known as one of the most powerful superfoods and it holds a special place in many cuisines worldwide. Even though it has a quite strong smell and not everyone likes it, garlic is extremely effective in treating many health issues.
To name a few, garlic prevents atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, heart attack and it also lowers both blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It successfully treats minor issues, such as common cold, flu, hay fever, fungal infections, diarrhea, and insect bites. It eliminates toxins from the system, boosts immunity, and it effectively treats the symptoms of osteoarthritis, enlarged prostate, and diabetes.
When combined with ginger and honey, garlic`s effects are even more enhanced and it even has the ability to detoxify a body which has been subjected to aggressive treatment like chemotherapy.
For optimal results, garlic should be used in its raw form. All you have to do is to crush it, chop the leaves, and leave them for about 15 minutes. Heat decentralizes its active compound called allicin, meaning that cooking reduces its healing properties.  Moreover, crushing it increases its bioavailability.
It is recommended to consume it on an empty stomach, before eating or drinking anything else as its nutrients cannot be fully absorbed when your stomach is full. To boost immunity and ensure your body is functioning at an optimal level, you should consume the tonic made of honey and garlic on a regular basis.
  • 2-3 garlic cloves
  • 1 tbsp of honey
Chop the garlic cloves and mix them with a tablespoon of honey.  Take this tonic on a daily basis (two teaspoons) to boost energy and improve your overall health.
  • 5 garlic cloves, chopped
  • 2 red chili peppers, chopped
  • 1 tbsp ginger, chopped
  • Juice of one lemon
  • Raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar
Note:  The natural oils of the ingredients are strong and may cause rashes on sensitive skin. Therefore, make sure you wear gloves while preparing this tonic.
  • Take a 350-500 ml mason jar and place the chopped garlic in one layer
  • Then, add the hot peppers in another layer, along with the seeds
  • Finally, add the ginger and pour both lemon juice and organic apple cider vinegar
  • Seal the jar, leaving a centimeter of free space from the rim
  • Keep the jar in the pantry and consume on a regular basis (at least two teaspoons daily)
This amazing tonic is an extremely potent natural remedy immunity booster. It prevents and treats a sore throat and flu/cold symptoms in an all-natural and effective way.

15 Common Cancer Symptoms Most Women Often Ignore

None of us should rely on the routine medical examinations and tests that can help as discover different diseases including cancer. It’s very important that we pay attention to any symptom that is unexplainable, odd or different.
Commonly Overlooked Signs
1. Chest Pain or Chronic Cough, Shortness of Breath or Wheezing
Bad coughs as well as bronchitis can signify that you may have some type of cancer including lung tumors and leukemia. Many people who suffer from lung cancer report chest pain which is known to extend down the arm and up into the shoulders. One of the first symptoms of lung cancer is the inability to catch a breath.
2. Swollen, Sore or Red Breasts
Any changes in your breasts should be definitely a signal for you to visit your doctor, because they can signify breast cancer.
3. Lumps on the Underarm, Neck or Groin or Swollen Lymph Nodes
Modifications in the lymphatic system can also be a sign of cancer.
4. Abdominal or Pelvic Pain, Blood in Stool and Rectal BleedingAbdominal Weight Gain or Bloating
Pain and cramps in the abdomen, or the pelvis can often be a sign of ovarian cancer, but abdominal pain can also be a sign of leukemia. These are also common symptoms of colorectal cancer. If you notice blood in your stool, visit the doctor immediately! Many women who suffer from ovarian cancer have reported abdominal bloating for a long period of time as their first symptom that something is wrong.
5. Skin changes
If a mole or two is changing shape/color/size, it’s time to see your doctor immediately.
6. Heartburn
Stress, alcohol, and too much food can all cause heartburn. Try changing your diet for a couple weeks and see if it goes away, but if it doesn’t, you may have stomach, esophageal, or ovarian cancer.
7. Weakness or fatigue
Many people are exhausted from leading hectic lives, but tiredness that simply doesn’t go away? That isn’t healthy, particularly if it’s combined with any of the other symptoms on this list.
8. Mouth changes
If you smoke, be careful about the white spots in your mouth or on your lips as both are a sign of oral cancer.
9. Heavy bleeding or bleeding between periods.
Many people report this as the first indicator of uterine or endometrial cancer. Visit a doctor for a transvaginal ultrasound.
10. Pain, particularly in the back
Everyone has aches and pains, which is why this is so often overlooked. Ongoing pain can signal brain, bone, liver, breast, and many other cancers. Check with your doctor if any unexplained pains have lasted over a month.
11. Changes in the nails
Unexplained changes in toenails or fingernails can indicate many different kinds of cancer. Try to notice some color changes such as white or pale beds or a brown/black streak or dot under the nail. Clubbing, enlargement of the ends of the fingers with nails that curve over the tips, is a sign of lung cancer.
12. Abdominal pain accompanied by depression
This sign is very rare and often overlooked. Unexplained belly pain with depression can mean pancreatic cancer. Only if your family has a history of the disease or you are a heavy drinker, then you should get in to a doctor straight away. Otherwise, if the pain doesn’t go away in a couple weeks, it would be a good idea to see a doctor anyway.
13. Frequent infections or fever
High temperature that can’t be explained and just doesn’t go away can mean leukemia or another blood cancer, share your concerns with your doctor immediately.
14. Discharge
Smelly or foul vaginal discharge can be a symptom of cervical cancer. The discharge may occur between periods or after menopause and sometimes will have blood in it. It’s best not to self-treat discharge changes with over-the-counter medications and visit your doctor. It could be an infection and most of those can’t be treated with over-the-counter stuff anyway.
15. Weight loss without trying
Nearly everyone wishes their extra pounds would just fall off, but losing more than ten pounds without any changes in your diet or exercise habits can indicate a big problem. Most unintended weight loss isn’t cancer, it can be the thyroid, for example, but it may also be stomach, lung, or pancreatic cancer. It would be best to be careful.
Source: http://www.healthmagazine365.com/15-common-cancer-symptoms-women-often-ignore/

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Here Are 10 Questions Google Asked A Computer Engineer In A Job Interview

Google needs the best brains in the business to keep on top of the highly competitive – and very highly lucrative – game of computer technology.
Computer engineer Pierre Gauthier recently received a telephone interview for the position of Google's "Director of Engineering” and shared his experience in a blog post. As he explains, the opportunity was a rare one, as it required both management as well as top-end coding skills.
However, even with his 37 years of coding experience and decades of working within the industry, Gauthier didn’t get the job. Here’s the 10 questions he was reportedly faced with:
  • What is the opposite function of malloc() in C?
  • What Unix function lets a socket receive connections?
  • How many bytes are necessary to store a MAC address?
  • Sort the time taken by: CPU register read, disk seek, context switch, system memory read.
  • What is a Linux inode?
  • What Linux function takes a path and returns an inode?
  • What is the name of the KILL signal?
  • Why Quicksort is the best sorting method?
  • There's an array of 10,000 16-bit values, how do you count the bits most efficiently?
  • What is the type of the packets exchanged to establish a TCP connection?
Yup, we're sweating too. But by other accounts, these questions aren't too tricky if you have a fair amount of knowledge in this area of computer engineering. So then, how come Gauthier didn't pass the interview? In his words, “Is Google raising the bar too high or is their recruiting staff seriously lacking the skills they are supposed to rate?”

› Google's "Director of Engineering" Hiring Test

Recently, I have been interviewed over the phone by a Google recruiter. As I qualified for the (unsolicited) interview but failed to pass the test, this blog post lists the questions and the expected answers. That might be handy if Google calls you one day.
For the sake of the discussion, I started coding 37 years ago (I was 11 years old) and never stopped since then. Beyond having been appointed as R&D Director 24 years ago (I was 24 years old), among (many) other works, I have since then designed and implemented the most demanding parts of TWD's R&D projects* – all of them delivering commercial products:
Google's representative stated that both management and up-to-date coding skills were required (a rare mix). But having exercised the former for more than 2 decades and the latter for almost 4 decades was not enough: I failed to give the "right answers". Is Google raising the bar too high or is their recruiting staff seriously lacking the skills they are supposed to rate?
Let's have a look!


Here are the "highly technical" questions and their answers – until the test was interrupted as it was obvious that I did not fit the task:
1. What is the opposite function of malloc() in C?
Me: free().
Recruiter: right.
Thought: I imagine that in these rare moments you are supposed to feel proud of your 35 years of programming in the 40-year old C.
2. What Unix function lets a socket receive connections?
Me: listen().
Recruiter: right.
Thought: Does this make me really qualify as a network guru?
3. How many bytes are necessary to store a MAC address?
Me: six.
Recruiter: right.
Thought: I figure I just earned the [Ethernet] badge...
4. sort the time taken by: CPU register read, disk seek, context switch, system memory read.
Me: CPU register read, system memory read, context switch, disk seek.
Recruiter: right.
Thought: Typical Computer Science University (1st year) lectures.
5. What is a Linux inode?
Me: a unique file identifier for any given file system.
Recruiter: wrong, it's file metadata.
Me: the inode is an index uniquely identifying a file on a given filesystem, and you can lookup this index to fetch file attributes like size, time, owner and permissions; you can even add your own attributes on some file systems.
Recruiter: wrong, not "attributes", it's "metadata".
Thought: "Metadata" is more informative than "file attributes", really?
6. What Linux function takes a path and returns an inode?
Me: I wrote a custom LIBC for G-WAN, our app. server, but I can't remember any syscall returning an inode.
Recruiter: stat().
Me: stat(), fstat(), lstat(), and fstatat() all return an error code, not an inode; they fill a stat structure holding the file attributes discussed previously and not only the file's inode index.
Recruiter: that's not the answer: the inode contains all the metadata.
Thought: Could Google have secretly licensed the nefarious Microsoft Tay AI bot?
7. what is the name of the KILL signal?
Me: SIGKILL which #define is set to 9.
Recruiter: no, it's "TERMINATE".
Me: SIGTERM (15) is different from the KILL signal (9).
Recruiter: that's not the answer I have on my sheet of paper.
Thought: I guess that's what happens when AI bots discover recreational drugs.
8. Why Quicksort is the best sorting method?
Me: It's not always the case, nor even suitable.
Recruiter: Quicksort has the best big-O.
Me: "big-O" ignores data storage latencies, topology, volume, available memory, and even the computational cost of every CPU instructions involved in a given implementation – instead, it merely counts the number of algorithmic operations! Big-O can be a valuable indication when designing algorithms but the best performing and scaling solution depends on the particular constraints of any specific problem and environment.
Recruiter: wrong, you had to give me the Quicksort big-O score.
Thought: When will the OMS will recognize the tobacco-scandal patterns in the damages caused by Academia to public mental health? The Linux kernel (that Google relies on) opted for Heapsort rather than Quicksort... for its lower memory usage and more predictable execution time.
9. There's an array of 10,000 16-bit values, how do you count the bits most efficiently?
Me: you shift the bits right on all the 64-bit words, the Kernighan way.
Recruiter: no.
Me: there are faster methods processing 64-bit words with masks but I can't explain it over the phone, I must write code.
Recruiter: the correct answer is to use a lookup table and then sum the results.
Me: on which kind of CPU? Why not let me compare my code to yours in a benchmark?
Recruiter: that's not the point of this test.
Me: what's the point of this test?
Recruiter: I have to check that you know the right answers.
Thought: How long is this crap going to last? A 8-bit lookup table can process bytes one after another, while the 64-bit mask-based method processes 8-byte words at a time (on top of that, modern CPU instructions even let you process 128-bit words with a 10x speed gain if portability is not a concern). As a 64-bit lookup table is out of reach for today's computers, there's no doubt on what is faster.
10. what is the type of the packets exchanged to establish a TCP connection?
Me: in hexadecimal: 0x02, 0x12, 0x10 – literally "synchronize" and "acknowledge".
Recruiter: wrong, it's SYN, SYN-ACK and ACK; if Google is down you will need to know this to diagnose what the problem is. We will stop here because it's obvious that you don't have the necessary skills to write or review network applications. You should learn the Linux function calls, how the TCP/IP stack works, and what big-O means to eventually qualify if you are interviewed at a later time. Good luck, bye.
Thought: When you have to read hexadecimal packet dumps to find what's happening, 3-letter mnemonics won't help you to troubleshoot a dead network service. Maybe Google should have stated that practice is not necessary for the job.
On another hand, my score is four on ten, that's better than my best Google pagerank** ever!

(*) Google and TWD were both founded in 1998.
(**) Google pagerank: the ultra-secret mathematical formula demonstrating that sponsored search results rank higher than reality can.

  Tip: hiring people that know things that you don't know helps more than hiring people who merely know what everybody knows.

Update: on October 13th 2016's night (almost 7 months after this blog post was published) we received reports that the gwan.ch hosted server was unreachable for a few hours and many emails were referring to a "Hacker News" discussion where people claiming to work for Google denied that the questions above were really used by Google recruiters while others stated that they also have been interviewed by Google with the very same questions.
I did not find the time to read all the discussion thread but some entries were clearly not published to help others make any progress. Above all, my criteria for relevance in a debate is good will. I want to congratulate those who succeeded in doing just that, in a somewhat difficult environment.
I have not solicited this Google interview. Nevertheless, following the "Hacker News" episode, I received very interesting job offers and CVs from candidates willing to work with us at TWD – proof that many (if not most) understand in what world we are living. Many thanks to all for the great feedback, kind support, and for making me feel hope for the next generation of engineers.
I really wish I could afford to teach (and hire) everyone willing to learn. If I can't do better, one day I will write a book to help others do better than me – and I promise to publish information not seen anywhere else (open-source code, Academia, etc.).
All the best (Google included).

How to Flash Huawei USB Modems (and Re-Install the Firmware)

A guy I personally know got a USB modem from the UK and the modem was locked to 3, a UK mobile network. On getting to Nigeria here, he fou...