Friday 29 January 2016

11 Sex Things Women Don't Care About

If you have man-bush.

1. If you have ripped abs.  Let me tell you, some girls find that seriously overwhelming. Sometimes guys are so cut and toned it looks like they have some sort of disturbing growth coming from their lower body. And you know what I don't want to see when I'm having sex with someone? Growths.
2. If you've slept with four women or 444.  I mean, 444 might mean you're a sex addict, but honestly, usually that stuff doesn't even come up. If you're really great to me and you're great in bed and you get consent for everything we do, I couldn't care less who else you've done it with.
3. If you have a 14-inch monster penis.  I'm not going to say size doesn't matter at all, but every girl's definition of what's big and small is different. If you apologize for how small you think it is, that's just drawing attention to something she might not even be thinking. That'd be like, "So this is my apartment. It's ugly and small, and someone should burn it down."
4. Whether you're too hairy or not hairy enough.  Again, this varies from person to person. And trust me, no one has ever said, "I love him because he has the perfect ratio of hair to skin."
5. If you lose your erection . Yeah, we're not thrilled about that because we wanted to have sex with you, but we don't suddenly hate you either. It'd be like if you apologized every time you yawned or your nose itched. That's a bodily function no one could control if they wanted to, not something that's going to make us storm out in disgust.
6. That weird face you make during sex.  Trust me, everyone is too busy making their own weird sex face to be able to notice yours.
7. If you come too quickly during sex.  Again, it's not our favorite thing, but we only give a shit when you just give up and that's all the sex for today. Just admit defeat, dust yourself off, and go down on us until we come. That's our version of going to the bank and asking for a $100 bill and they can only give us two $50s. No big.
8. If you have man-bush.  As long as it's not a forest taking over our entire bedroom and you're not insistent on us being hairless robots, it's not something we notice.
9. If you fart in bed.  As long is it's cool if we do this at some point, fart away. Please limit it to accidents though. Outside of that, you should probably see a doctor.
10. If you don't want to cuddle after sex.  Honestly, if the sex was great, chances are we just want to lie there in a blissed-out state until we return to consciousness and/or fall asleep too. And if we're still all over you after sex, make sure we actually came because there's a good chance we're all over you because we're still horny as hell.
11. Whether you're doing everything perfectly.  It's awesome that you want every lick and stroke and thrust to be perfect, but we know it's not going to be. Sex is a lot like a movie that had some awkward, weird parts in it but overall we loved the film and would watch it again pretty much any day of the week. Especially if that movie was naked and hot.

5 Secrets She's Probably Keeping From You That Could Change The Way You Have Sex

5 Secrets She's Probably Keeping From You That Could Change The Way You Have Sex
There are many things that men don’t know about women’s wants in the bedroom. It’s not because men don’t care, it’s just because the subject either hasn’t come up or she’s too shy to offer you this information. While every woman is different, there are some things all women can generally agree on when it comes to sex. Even so, we strongly encourage you to speak with her directly to find out what she likes and dislikes.
Because couples who  communicate  their needs and desires have far better sex more often, you should encourage her to talk about the things she wants. In the meantime, to get you started, we’re giving you five feel-good secrets she might be hiding.
secret 1
She likes period sex
Generally, this is true, but there are rules. It can tend to get very wet very quickly; throwing a sausage down Niagara Falls may be a more appropriate description. And make sure you are both showered and clean. The other problem you may face is temporary vaginal dryness. If she uses tampons, expect a little uncomfortable friction after she removes it to have sex, and prepare by having some  lube  handy. She will warm up pretty quickly, but dry sex is painful and unpleasant, so don’t blow your future chances by being too forthright in the entering department. The bonus of period sex is she is likely to be quite randy — hormones make this a positive (but obstacle-laden) time for nookie. Don’t try to  go down on her  unless you have a death wish or share morbid vampire fantasies because she will knock you out of the way faster than you can say “What’s that taste?”  
secret 2
She doesn’t like never-ending sex
This is faking-it territory. Don’t believe the hype: Being the man means being a man and knowing when to just sit back and relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. A happy girl on your hands is great, so don’t blow your own rep by trying to prove yourself. Yes, love machines exist, but aren’t they wired to just keep on pounding away? Aren’t they made of plastic and rubber? Women want a lover, not a love machine. Women adore  orgasms as much as the next man, but one is good — just make it count. Two is a bonus (but the bonus need not include strenuous and lengthy attempts to achieve) and after that, well that all depends on the situation. Know when to relax into her arms and enjoy the smell of her hair. No doubt, if she is still up for it she will — in no uncertain terms — let you know. 
Three more ways to have her screaming with pleasure…
secret 3
She thinks fingers can be unpleasant
When using your digits to pleasure your woman, just remember that the entrance to the vagina has a large number of nerve endings compared to deeper inside the vagina — use this knowledge to your advantage. The point is to give her  pleasure , so keep to the pleasure zones: the outside entrance to the vagina, just inside the vagina and the  G-spot . When manually stimulating her start off with one finger, and after tickling the outside entrance, gently and wetly enter her body. Start stroking in a come-hither motion on the front wall of her vagina. Here you will find her G-spot.  Be gentle; if she wants you to go deeper or harder she will show you by pushing herself onto you. It can get a little uncomfortable for her to have half a hand jamming and slamming away, so always ask before putting another finger in and avoid trying to reach her cervix. Clean, trimmed fingernails are lovely; mucky claws and paws need not apply.   
secret 4
She likes trying new things
There are many things she has always wanted to try, but may never have felt comfortable enough to ask for or to initiate. Things she may be afraid of include:  anal sex , anal fingering (you or her), bondage, fisting, outdoor sex, and  role playing . None of these are as hard core as you both might think; ordinary people do them all the time with very nice results. A fun and easy way to find out what new things she wants to try out is to swap a sexual to-do list with her. Each of you writes a list of things you would like to try together, then swap it and get busy. 
secret 5
She’s horny in the morning
Guys and morning wood have been waking sleeping women since the dawn of time. Generally, it can be safely ignored by the not-so-keen woman by pretending to be asleep. If you want to try a different tack, try sliding your moist erection gently between her thighs, just brushing her vaginal lips. Take a little bit of time, and sure enough, just like a beautiful flower, she will (hopefully) open up and let you in because you are unobtrusively enticing her. The trick to morning sex is getting her from sound asleep to highly aroused before 8 a.m.  Oral sex  also works very well, but the thigh trick is less effort; do what works best for you. A tip is to moisten your penis before doing anything with it. Saliva or lube works; it takes the hard work out of it for you and replaces that “I just woke up and you're mauling me” feeling with “Oh, that feels nice.” Not everyone is a morning-sex fan, so if your girl isn’t too keen on an early morning rise and shine, there are some easy steps you can take to encourage her without making a scene.   
sexy secrets
There are many other things that women secretly like or dislike, but every woman is different and so are her secret loves and hates. Another way to find out these secrets is to play games. There are board games that encourage some out of the ordinary interaction; this is great for learning how to communicate better with your partner, and for finding out things you would never have thought to ask. Don’t forget: The best sex is always had by partners who can honestly discuss what they want.

25 things women wish men knew

1. Support our team (at least)
No man wants a rolling-eyed GF when it comes to watching the game. If you appreciate sport and support his team (even if you have to pretend) he’ll love you that much more for it.  Trust .
2. Learn how to give a hand job - the right way
Sure it feels good, but you’re still not getting him there. Quit thinking you’re going to hurt him. Guys like it when girls are more aggressive. They said it, not us.
3. Nagging
Women are generally more expressive than men, but that doesn't mean we’re entitled to moan and b*tch all the time! Quit nagging him for unnecessary things or you'll push him away.
4. “I’m Bloated”
We’re all about being open here, but some things you should keep to yourself. He doesn’t want to know about it. OK?
5. Dressing up
Don’t bother asking your man if he likes what you’re wearing. Firstly, they never know what the right answer is and secondly, he’s always going to say yes (unless he wants a war)!
6. Have self respect
A bit of self-dignity and self-confidence in who you are and what you want is HOT. If you can’t respect yourself, he won't respect you.
7. Don't act cray
A combination of paranoia, selfishness and impatience can make a woman act in strange psychotic ways. Don't be the psycho GF.
8. Don’t be weak
When things get tough try to be emotionally strong. Sure, your man wants to take care of you and support you, but not to the point that he’s nothing but a babysitter! Besides, when you do get upset he’ll take you A LOT more seriously if you’re not crying all time.
9. Be natural
Men like it when girls doll up, but believe it or not, they love it even more when you’re natural. Hair down, makeup free and not a care in the world - that’s when you're most beautiful.
10. Not all men are pro-anal
Not all guys are interested in  anal . So you’ve had a few bad experiences with men poking their fingers up your bum, but that's not to say they're all into it. That's a myth us girls need to learn.
11. Threesomes
Yes, men will think about having a  threesome  with you and another women, but they don't expect you to act upon it. It’s a  fantasy  - chill out.
12. Other girls…
Not always, but sometimes, men will picture other girls when they think about or have sex. Again, it’s a male thing. Don't take it too seriously.
13. PornHub, RedTube - all men watch porn!
Expect an average of three to four times a week. When he’s busy or in a relationship it might be as little as once a week. Why? For a quickie! All men have needs.
14. Men love fantasy films
Most men secretly like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Game of Thrones. You must have working knowledge of Luke Skywalker, Frodo and  Daenerys  Targaryen. Deal with it.
15. Surprise him with lingerie
Make sure to buy some  sexy lingerie  from time to time. Whether it’s a babydoll, garter slip, teddy, or new two-piece it's gonna drive him CRAZY.
16. His mum comes first
Sorry ladies - you can’t always be the #1 woman in his life. She carried him, gave birth to him and raised the man - there’s no competition here. Instead of acting like she’s your worst enemy try to make an effort with her. Your man will notice.
17. The off side rule
Learn it. No questions asked.
18. Men are clueless when it comes to periods
Don't expect your man to know what type of pill you’re taking or whether your menstrual cycle is 'normal'. It’s all foreign to him so if he's acting like what you’re saying isn't a big deal it’s because most of the time he doesn’t really know what you’re on about. So much that…
19. They don’t mind having sex with you while you’re on
Yup, most guys don’t really care if you've got your  period  as long as they get the goods. Failing that, ”red day is head day”, right?
20. You're always leaving the toilet seat down
Men put up the toilet seat. End of. If you find the seat up, get over it and put it down. It's not worth fighting over.
21. Sleeping on his chest
Men love it when they feel like they’re protecting you. And believe it or not, they do like a cuddle!
22. Don’t bitch about your girlfriends
Your man doesn’t care about how little your friend eats when you go out for dinner or how cheap her dress looked last night. Sorry, he really doesn't. Save it.
23. Men secretly love when you buy him clothes
Take advantage girl! Otherwise he'll still be wearing his tracksuit bottoms from 1997. Do you really want to be seen with that?
24. Make an effort with his mates
We’ll never be as witty or rude, but creating banter and making an effort with the boys is a massive bonus for him.
25. Guys love ponytails
It’s a myth to think that every man favours a women’s hair down. Sure it’s beautiful, but guys also like it when your hair's pulled back and away from your face. An easy messy bun it is then!
26. They love kisses
Those little kisses you trail down his neck and chest? He. Loves. It.
27. The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach
We’re not asking you to be the stereotypical housewife here, but any man (as any women) loves it when their partner whips up their favourite dish for them.
28. Men like to show off their strength
So yes, it’s OK to yell for him to kill a spider or ask if he minds helping you carry boxes up the stairs. He wants to do it for you.
29. They love your orgasm face
Sweaty? Red? And scrunched up? Watching you  orgasm  is like watching a football hit the back of the net (not to mention, a BIG ego boost for him). Guys love it when you're enjoying yourself.
30. Chillax
Men don’t like women who are constantly stressed out and anxious. Relax and try to be laid back about things. It’s never the end of the world.
Do you know what else men wish women knew?

43 things a GIRL wished her BOYFRIEND knew

#1 When you break her heart, the pain never really goes away.

#2 When she misses you, she’s hurting inside.

#3 When she says it’s over, she still wants you to be hers.

#4 When she walks away from you mad, follow her.

#5 When she stares at your mouth, kiss her.

#6 When she pushes or hits you, grab her tight & don’t let her go.

#7 When she starts cursing at you, kiss her and tell her you love her.

#8 When she ignores you, give her your attention.

#9 When she pulls away, pull her back.

#10 When you see her at her worst, tell her she’s beautiful.

#11 When you see her crying, just hold her and don’t say a word.

#12 When you see her walking, sneak up and hug her waist from behind.

#13 When she’s scared, protect her.

#14 When she lays her head on your shoulder, tilt her head up and kiss her.

#15 When she steals your favourite jacket, let her keep it and sleep with it for a night.

#16 When she teases you, tease her back and make her laugh.

#17 When she doesn’t answer for a long time, reassure her that everything is okay.

#18 When she looks at you with doubt, back yourself up with the truth.

#19 When she says that she likes you, she really does more than you could understand.

#20 When she grabs your hands, hold hers and play with her fingers.

#21 When she bumps into you, bump into her back and make her laugh.

#22 When she tells you a secret, keep itsafe and untold.

#23 When she looks at you in your eyes, don’t look away until she does.

#24 Stay on the phone with her even if she’s not saying anything.

#25 Don’t let her have the last word.

#26 Don’t call her hot, but gorgeous or beautiful is so much better.

#27 Say you love her more than she could ever love you.

#28 Argue that she is the best girl ever.

#29 When she’s mad, hug her tight and don’t let go.

 #30 When she says she’s OK, don’t believe it, talk to her about it, because 10 yrs later she’ll still remember it.

#31 Call her at 12:00am on special occasions to tell her you loveher.

#32 Call her before you sleep and after you wake up.

#33 Treat her like she’s all that matters to you.

#34 Don’t ignore her when she’s out with you and your friends.

#35 Stay up all night with her when she’s sick.

#36 Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think its stupid.

#37 Let her into your world.

#38 Let her wear your clothes.

#39 When she’s bored and sad, hang out with her.

#40 Let her know she’s important.

#41 Kiss her in the pouring rain.

#42 When she runs up at you crying, the first thing you say is; “Who’s ass am I kicking today baby?”

#43 After she reads this, she hopes one day you’d read it too.

How to Flash Huawei USB Modems (and Re-Install the Firmware)

A guy I personally know got a USB modem from the UK and the modem was locked to 3, a UK mobile network. On getting to Nigeria here, he fou...