Saturday 17 June 2017

How to Flash Huawei USB Modems (and Re-Install the Firmware)

A guy I personally know got a USB modem from the UK and the modem was locked to 3, a UK mobile network. On getting to Nigeria here, he found out the modem wouldn’t work with SIM card. The modem prompted for an unlock code and this dude kept guessing till he entered it incorrectly ten times. He rendered the modem useless and even DC unlocker couldn’t unlock it. I tried all I could but it didn’t work. I decided to try flashing the modem and re-installed the firmware but still, the unlock counter still read 10. Before the modem finally became useable again, I did three things to flash it:
1. Reset the unlock counter
2. Upgrade the firmware
3. Install a different dashboard

1. How to Reset the Unlock Counter

Like I said earlier, upgrading the firmware did not reset the unlock counter which read 10 out of 10. I had to reset the counter with a software first. If you haven’t entered your unlock code 10 times like the guy in question did, you should skip this step. Of course, you can still do it if you want to unlock your modem and anyway.
– Download this software
– Extract the content and run the .exe file inside
– Click on Refresh. Your modem should be automatically detected so far you checked AUTO CONNECTION under connection mode
– Be sure Auto-Calc Code and Auto-Unlock Modem are both marked
how to flash your huawei usb modem
– Now click UNLOCK. This should both unlock your modem and reset the counter at the same time
– Lastly, click on Calculate to generate the flash code. You’re gonna be needing it later.

2. Upgrade your Modem Firmware

– First, you must download the right firmware for your modem. You can download it from their official website but I prefer and recommend
Update: These sites don’t seem to have the firmwares anymore. You can always check DC-UnlockerHuawei Firmwares or Modem Unlock website.
– Select Huawei or what model your modem is and click the tiny modem icon
flash huawei usb modem
– On the next page, select your model and click the same modem icon again.
flash huawei modem
– Now, download Firmware Update and Dashboard Update
flash modem
Now to upgrade the firmware, unzip the firmware update you downloaded and double-click the .exe file.
– Accept the agreement and proceed.
how to upgrade huawei modem firmware
– The program searches for your modem for some seconds
flash huawei modem
– On the next page, simply hit the Next button
huawei usb modem flashing
– When the flashing starts, be sure you follow the instruction on-screen. Do not remove your modem and be sure you have enough poer on your laptop or UPS to last for about 30 minutes.
huawei usb modem flashing
– When you hit the start button, you may be prompted to enter your Flash code. This only happens when the new firmware version is different from the existing one on the device. Remember the Flash code you generated earlier? Enter it here.
flash huawei usb modem
– The process starts and normally, this should take less than 10 minutes.
huawei modem firmware upgrade
– At this point, you don’t have to do anything. Just wait till you see a message that looks like this:
firmware upgrade successful
– Congratulations! You just upgraded you modem firmware successfully!

3. Installing a different dashboard

Even with an upgraded firmware, I was still seeing that same dashboard that came from 3 network. The dashboard wouldn’t let any me use any other SIM though the modem is already unlocked. I had to install a different dashboard to make me use our network provider settings here in Nigeria.
It’s here you’ll be needing the Dashboard Update file you downloaded.
– Unzip the file and run the executable file
– Accept the agreement and continue
– Again, the software should search for your device
-Hit the Next button as before and the procedure is very much similar to the firmware upgrade you did earlier.
Easy, isn’t it? It’s more like installing a software on your computer. Also, this should take less than five minutes to complete and after that, you should have a different modem software that’s not branded with your home network logo and customizations. Now you’ve successfully flashed your modem. I used this method to flash a “permanently locked” modem with 10 wrong unlock attempts and it worked fine.

Wednesday 17 May 2017

10 Things To Tell Your Partner When Your Relationship Is Difficult

Things are tough at home right now and have been for some time. Do you press the eject button or do you press on?
Before throwing your partner’s things in a bin liner and calling a divorce lawyer, let us take a trip to the beautiful islands of Hawaii. From Wooloongabba, Wyoming or Warwickshire, the warmth of the sand on Waikiki Beach between your toes with the refreshing Trade Winds gently blowing. Let your imagination comfort you for a moment and let us be one with the indigenous Hawaiian people, for part of our journey today involves teachings from Ho’oponopono. As we go through the list, the parts of Ho’oponopono will become apparent and will be explained in relation to how to remedy difficulty in relationships.



Here is the normal scenario in Wyoming, Wooloongabba or Warwickshire: There is a disagreement or argument brewing. Wife wants to fight. Husband wants to withdraw. She gives chase, hoping for a reaction and he normally tries to stay silent. Naturally, these roles can be reversed.
Asking the above question to your partner tells them subtly that you want to connect, not withdraw or avoid. This will in turn calm them down, which gives licence to civilised discussion and possible problem solving.


The response could be as simple as a “please listen to me” after a long, hard day or as intimate as giving a nice back rub. This gives your partner an opportunity to let off steam in whichever way they choose. This shows that you are as cool as a cucumber under pressure, and not going bananas like a crazed monkey!
Asking the above question to your partner tells them subtly that you care for them despite what has gone on between the pair of you. You are in a relationship and both parties have the right to benefits by being in one.

3. “I’M SORRY.”

Being specific as to why and how to improve for next time.
Grab your sun-screen and your beach towel, folks, it is time to make our first stop in Hawaii. This is Ho’oponopono Rule #1. Being sorry, or “minamina” in Hawaiian, because you know that you have done wrong and want to put right that wrong breathes life into the lungs of a relationship, much like the aforementioned Trade Winds in the Hawaiian archipelago. Being specific about why you are sorry is very important because it disarms more powerfully and talking of improving on that foible can start to melt the Ice King/Queen.
Example: “I apologise for not taking out the trash last night, babe. I understand that the kitchen stinks because of my forgetful actions and I will be more aware next time.”


Being specific as to why.
Staying in Hawai’i for this this one. This is Ho’oponopono Rule #3. Being grateful is such an appealing trait and makes you a more attractive person. It works in Wyoming, Warwickshire, Wooloongabba, or Waikiki Beach. It makes your significant other want to do more things with you and for you because you let them know that you appreciate them and especially so if you are thanking them for mundane tasks, people do not expect it for those. This following example is like having your feet caressed by the warm Pacific Ocean waters on the Hawaiian beach. Mahalo!
Example: “Thank you so much for taking out the trash last night, babe. I really appreciate it when you take the time to do it, even though you have that important meeting with Akamai this morning.”


Being specific as to why.
Knowing that you are doing well and having your good work appreciated at home is deeply rewarding. Feeling valued with your loved ones will give an ego boost guaranteed, making the smallest of us feel like the tallest. This is accentuated by big news, like a promotion or playing/coaching a grassroots sports team. Or even better when your partner was brave in the face of fear. Imagine your honey bunny saving someone’s life, the ultimate life accomplishment!
Example: “I am so proud of you for sticking up for that elderly lady. Many people would have swerved it, but not my boo. You are my hero and our kids are lucky to have a mum/dad like you.”


Being told that you are a great role model for Trixie and Trevor is the stand-out compliment one human being can give to another, knowing how hard a task being a parent is. If it comes from your other half, expect them to do somersaults in the living room, never mind having a spring in their step!
Example: See Number 5.


Being specific as to why.
The whole thing of asking for forgiveness and giving it is one of the hardest things a couple goes through between themselves. To take the edge off things, we are back in Hawai’i with Ho’oponopono Rule #2. This is the continuation of Number 3, mending the damage already done but Operation Kala is well under way. It is like climbing Diamond Head volcano on O’ahu, it is an arduous, sometimes scary journey, but the view from the top is spectacular.
Example: “Please forgive me for eyeing up that Hawaiian lady in the grass skirt in front of you. I was insensitive and made you uncomfortable.”

8. “I LOVE YOU.”

Being specific as to why.
Unfortunately, this is our last visit to the Hawaiian archipelago with Ho’oponopono Rule #4. This is the sunset on a beautiful day of learning and discovery. To say “I love you”, or in Hawaiian “Aloha no au ia ‘oe”, is something that is sacred within a family and saying it every time all adds up in the brownie points bag. Do not forget to be specific about why you love your darling.
Example: “I love you because you are such a gentleman with my sister.”
Time to board the plane in Honolulu back to reality, unless Hawai’i is your reality in which you are one lucky son/daughter of a gun!


This is important because your beau/belle deserves a partner who is always changing and growing as a person, who in turn becomes a better partner. How much of a difference would it make to your relationship if you say you will change for the better, and then back those words up with action?
Example: “I will make more of an effort with the kids’ homework. I know I should have done Trixie’s twelve times table yesterday. I will come home early today and help her with her spellings.”


What are the odds on a relationship staying alive with someone you do not respect and admire? “Without respect, there is no love,” says the old adage. Knowing that you are respected at home breeds self-esteem, which can be transmitted into other areas of your life. A respected person is a happy person, after all.

10 Ways to Step Up In Your Relationship

No one’s relationship is 100% perfect, just like no single individual is 100% perfect. There is always room for improvement. People often don’t realize just how much they neglected their relationship or how little they prioritized it until they lose it. After the breakup mourning period, people tend to get themselves together and put in the effort to make themselves as appealing as possible. But, when we get into a relationship, we tend to slack off and settle into a routine. We take our partner for granted and accept as a given that they will always be there. So, how can we step up and secure our relationship into the break-up/divorce proof box?



Be kind and considerate of the other person’s needs, desires and feelings. Be thoughtful in remembering things like anniversaries and birthdays. Be aware of your partner’s mood and whether or not they had a bad day. Then, do something to cheer them up or take their mind off of stressful things.


Rather than criticize and tear down your partner, build them up and encourage them to take risks. Be their number one cheerleader. No one likes to have an idea shot down or be told they can’t do something. Tell them they can accomplish their goals and encourage them to pursue their goals in the first place.


Stop taking yourself so seriously. If you do or say something stupid, then instead of getting upset and embarrassed, laugh it off and make a joke about it. If you or your partner are having a bad day, then go do something fun and goofy. Make each other laugh. Laughter is, after all, the best medicine.


If you were single, you would want to look and feel your best. So, why is it people feel they can slack off when they land a mate? If you want to keep your partner interested and feel good about yourself, then hit the gym, go walk around the park or get involved in a sport. Eating good food, exercising and get a getting a good night’s sleep can do wonders for your attitude and your relationship.


We all have routines, and routine can be the death of fun. Break out of your rut from time to time and do something different. Shake things up. Put that excitement back in your life of occasionally not knowing what you will be doing from night to night.


Pay attention to your partner when they are speaking. Get off of Facebook, quit texting your buddy, pause the show you were watching and listen when your partner speaks. No one wants to feel ignored. If you zone out or check out while they are speaking to you, then they are going to get hurt and eventually they are going to stop trying to speak to you at all. Unplug from the internet and plug into your partner form time to time.


If you neglect your relationship, it is going to decay, and before you know it, it will be gone. Make your relationship a priority. Your partner has dibs on your time, so if your partner wants to spend time with you and you want to go do something else, then your partner should win out. We all need our alone time or time with friends, but if you are prioritizing time alone or with someone besides your partner, then they will start looking for someone who will set them as a priority.


Don’t get attached to a routine or schedule. Be ready to do something spontaneous or change your plans. Improvise, adapt and overcome. Being flexible reduces stress as you are ready to change directions at a moment’s notice. Less stress for you means less stress for your relationship.


Take responsibility, not only for your actions, but also for your own baggage. We all have it and we all drag it around with us. Take action to address it with your partner and hopefully they will address and take responsibility for their own. Once that is out of the way, then take responsibility for the health of your relationship. If it fails, it is at least half your fault. If it is to succeed, then it is also half of your responsibility to get it there.


You know what you have to do, but that isn’t enough. You have to put in the work in order to make your relationship better. You have to get up off your butt and make it happen. Life doesn’t happen to you. You are responsible for making things happen in your life. If you don’t put in the work, then you won’t get the rewarding life you want.

5 Things To Always Keep Secret About Your Relationship

“We have to recognize that there cannot be relationships unless there is commitment, unless there is loyalty, unless there is love, patience, persistence.” – Cornel West, Breaking Bread: Insurgent Black Intellectual Life
Most of us that have been part of an intimate relationship have discussed some details of it within your social circle. Some of this dialogue is fun and harmless, yet there are certain parts of a relationship that shouldn’t be discussed with anyone besides your partner.
First, some relationship topics are entirely inappropriate to talk about, even with a ‘BFF’ or some other perceivably trustworthy third-party. Second, words have a way of quickly spreading, and, with the prolific use of social media, your “private matters” can quickly become public.
Also, consider how you would feel if your partner discussed private, intimate matters with someone else. Intimate relationships are special because of the intimacy – a physical and emotional connection shared by two people. Not three, not four. Two.



Talking about anything relating to sex should be considered a big no-no. Examples of such topics include: how often you do (or don’t) have sex, any sexual fantasies, problems in the bedroom, and so forth.
Engaging in conversation with someone else about your sexual experiences robs the relationship of its intimacy. No matter how big or small such details may be, conversing with anyone else about sex-related topics besides your partner is an act of deception.
In the event that sexual problems are creating distance, or otherwise causing friction in the relationship, therapeutic outlets exist that can help to resolve such issues. Furthermore, experts such as relationship therapists and counselors are bound by confidentiality agreements to keep all related matters private.


When a man is made to feel less like a man, or when a woman is made to feel less like a woman, they’re deeply hurt – and relationship problems can escalate quickly. None of us are perfect, and being part of a relationship does nothing to change this universal fact.
Robin Williams, playing the part of a therapist in the movie Good Will Hunting, said to a troubled Matt Damon’s character experiencing a relationship conundrum:
“My wife used to fart in her sleep. [Queue a cracked up Damon and Williams]. She had all sorts of wonderful idiosyncrasies…Christ, she’s been dead two years and that’s what I remember…That’s what I miss the most. The little idiosyncrasies that only I know about; that’s what made her my wife…You’re not perfect, sport…and I’ll save you the suspense, neither is she…The question is whether or not you’re perfect for each other.”
Epic scene, yes; but a powerful (albeit, hilarious) reminder of what we should value in our partner – and how shortcomings are a matter of perspective.
Regardless of how you may feel, these “flaws” are best kept under wraps.


Aside from altercations that involve physical or emotional abuse, relationship “fights” shouldn’t be discussed with others. Your close friend may indeed help “solve” the issue to a certain extent, but therein lies the problem – it takes your partner out of the equation.
Resolving continuing altercations requires communication with the appropriate parties; Namely, you, your partner, and (possibly) a counselor or therapist.
relationship secrets


Oh, yes, no “relationship secrets” article would be complete without mentioning money issues. Or – in this case – not mentioning money issues.
First, it’s important to understand that financial troubles within a relationship are very common. According to a 2015 survey by SunTrust Bank, “Some 35 percent of all respondents experiencing relationship stress said money was the primary cause of friction…Among respondents with relationship stress aged 44 to 54, 44 percent said money was the primary cause.”
In other words, you are not alone in your money troubles. As much stress that money-related issues may induce, they’re solvable given the necessary knowledge. If a prompt resolution is essential, seek the advice of a financial adviser. Of course, refrain from droning on about problems that are nobody else’s business. They probably won’t help, anyways.


At the risk of sounding cliché, trust is the backbone of any relationship. Most of what happens in a relationship has some type of “cure,” but betraying your partner’s trust is perhaps the most egregious of offenses – and is, unsurprisingly, difficult to rebound from.
This is exactly why his or her innermost thoughts and feelings –those that he or she has entrusted you and only you with – are not to ever (ever) be revealed.

40 Things Every Person Should Know By Age 40

“Life really does begin at 40. Up until then, you are just doing research.” – Carl Jung
As the “generations” evolve, so does the experience of “growing up.” For example, the “Greatest Generation” had it different than the “Baby Boomers”, who (certainly) have experienced life differently than millennials. No offense, young ones. Generational differences aside, the accumulation of “life knowledge”– at least to an extent – depends on involuntary factors (e.g. sex and type of upbringing). In creating this list, we’ve taken these things into account.
Are there things that everyone “should know” by age 40?
This question is very subjective. 40 years is a long time (at least in human years), and many of us have very likely gained life experiences and knowledge that are applicable to other 40-somethings.
In other words, it is highly probable that many in this demographic have a shared understanding – at least at a basic level – of “how the world works.” So, we’re going to list 40 things everyone ‘should’ know by age 40? Why 40 things? We’ll let you try and figure that one out.
It is important to understand that this article, as with many we publish, are intended to be fun, humorous…and, maybe, a bit insightful. Some of these may apply to you, some (most likely) will not.
We just want you to have fun, laugh a bit, and maybe (maybe) take away something else.


1. Weekend benders are ALWAYS a bad idea
2. Nothing beats a good night’s sleep
3. One’s “career path” can include multiple forks in the road
4. Having your own den/mancave/hideout is irreplaceable
5. Your social circle has become smaller and smaller – and for the better
6. A night alone or with a significant other beats “hitting the town” almost every time
7. You’ve had at least one great love that took some time to get over
8. To have kids or to not have kids? Odds are, you know the answer by now
9. To have a pet or not have a pet? Same thing…it’s either your “thing” or not
10. You’ve experienced at least one tragedy, unfortunately
11. You’ve ate something completely strange…and now love it
12. You’ve fought for something bigger than yourself…by donating money, giving time, etc.
13. Singing karaoke is enough to induce a panic attack if sober
14. Singing karaoke can be a blast (or at least tolerable) when you’ve “had a few”
15. Fashion sense matters as much as the color of your toilet’s lid
16. You’ve (hopefully) realized the inevitability of death – and seek to live to the fullest
17. If you’re not a “people person,” you’ll (probably) never be one
18. Fatty foods seem to have an immediate bloating effect
19. Exercise is a wonderful antidote to just about anything
20. A good read is a wonderful antidote to just about anything
21. The word “success” takes on much, much less meaning
22. Intimacy (i.e. “sex life”) is wonderful in moderation…and when you’re in love
23. The youngsters look to you for advice more often – for better or worse
24. Dancing is either (a) completely acceptable (you can dance), or (b) completely off limits (just, no)
25. 99 percent of the stuff learned in college is not – and never will be – an important part of your life
26. Slippers, a robe, a cardigan – you either own one of these…and/or you enjoy crossword puzzles
27. Marijuana (aka, “pot”)…you either enjoy the occasional hit, or you absolutely refuse
28. Your internal bull**** meter has been finely-tuned, or at least received a tune-up
29. Talking to people on the phone is limited to (a) co-workers or (b) family – about 99 percent of the time
30. Being “uninvited” to something can feel really, really good
31. Formal work events almost always suck
32. Playing videogames, computer games, and/or other games are still really fun…or not
33. Not having “a plan” has been totally worth it…or the “plan” has yielded a good life
40 things to know by 40
34. Incoming phone calls, e-mails, and other communications are looked upon with disdain
35. Taking the time to learn something new is almost always stoked by passion, not persuasion
36. Arguing with someone is: (a) pointless, (b) a waste of energy, and (c) “isn’t my favorite show on right now?”
37. You’ve either wished to travel the world, don’t care, or have obtained a passport
38. Come to realize that hangovers are both miserable and completely avoidable
39. The “Snooze” button looks really, really good from Monday through Friday…maybe even Saturday and Sunday…
40. Realized that 40 is still young…and you’ve got plenty left in the tank – and you’re grateful for that.
How about you, dear reader, can you identify with any of these 40 “things you should know by age 40?”
We’d love to hear your feedback!

How to Flash Huawei USB Modems (and Re-Install the Firmware)

A guy I personally know got a USB modem from the UK and the modem was locked to 3, a UK mobile network. On getting to Nigeria here, he fou...